The Big Myth is an animated learning app presenting a collection of 25 creation myths from around the world. The stories are told with rich, authentic graphics, audio, sound and music. It is designed for classroom or home use. It was designed for ages 6-12.While the myths are the central focus of the app, The Big Myth offers an entire integrated learning environment, including a teacher’s guide, “write your own creation myth” area, downloadable PDF materials, links and bibliography, making it a useful fit within the study of the classics or world cultural studies program of the common international curriculum, as well as within religious studies and ancient history. It can also be integrated into remedial English language classes given the text and simultaneous narration. This is an appropriate tool for special needs learners as well as visually or hearing impaired students.
The educational methodology behind The Big Myth – Complex Instruction - is especially inspired by the research conducted by Elizabeth Cohen (Cohen, 1994). One of the basic assumptions of Complex Instruction is that learning happens through interaction and group dynamics. By implementing co-operative learning, teachers provide opportunities for interaction and equal access to participation in the interaction.
The Big Myth is also a learning website and CD-ROM for desktop use.
The complete list of cultures:
AboriginalAztecBabylonianCelticCeramChineseDogonEgyptianGreekHawaiianHinduIncaInuitIroquoisJapaneseMaoriMapucheMayanNavajoNorseOld TestamentSumerianVoudonYorubaZulu